Karen McReynolds M.A.

Assistant Professor of Science


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  • M.A., Natural Science, San Jose State University
  • B. S., Physical Geography, Northern Arizona University
  • A.A., Merced College, Merced, California


  • General Biology lecture and lab
  • Earth Science lecture and lab
  • Environmental Science lecture and lab
  • Environmental Science online
  • Tropical Ecosystems lecture and lab including trip to Belize
  • Other field biology special topics such as Wetlands, Sierra Nevada Ecology
  • Physical Geography lecture and lab
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Math for the Educated Citizen


  • Christians involved in care of all of God’s creation
  • General education science: how to best get lower division non-science students to appreciate and not to fear science
  • Field trips as a learning tool for lower division college students


Travel, bicycling, hiking, cello, and choral music.


“One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.  They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds.”   Psalm 145:4-6

I am delighted to be able to commend God’s works to the next generations as a professor of science. I get to help students see for themselves the harmony between the two revelations of God, the Word and the World, these two books by the same heavenly Author that have so much to tell us about who He is.